Sports Text Messaging
know b4 u go™
TeamFinder™ is our own proprietary database search engine which makes our SportsSMS service work.
When your organization becomes a client, we register your members online using a registration page, through an exported file or via integration with your registration partner. For some of our other services, we have subscribers opt-in directly from their mobile phone.
Every piece of data is registered and stored on secure servers and when you need to send a text message to one or more teams, divisions or age groups, levels of play, leagues, etc., TeamFinder™ is launched to seek out your criteria and list the results.
You might see the name of a Team or Division, but found and listed in the background are all the cell phone numbers attached to your query. TeamFinder™ finds what you are looking for and then allows you to formulate and send your text message plus all those cell phone numbers into a stream of data that our Wireless Carriers partners understand and forward to their mobile users.
Because of TeamFinder™, you can run a query and then send a text message in just a few seconds. This allows you to notify your players, parents, coaches, officials and/or volunteers of important, time sensitive information before they leave the field, arena, parking lot, hotel, work or home.
We like to say it this way: know b4 u go™
SportsSMS is the Sports Text Messaging division of
powered by  and TeamFinder™.
know b4 u go™
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