Sports Text Messaging
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ScoreBoard SMS
ScoreBoardSMS is our newest text messaging service, offering event results sent directly to the cell phone or mobile device of team captains, fans and supporters regardless of their location.
Some sporting events are so large, there is no way to advise all participants, teams or divisions of their scores, advancement notices or informational updates. Even if you post the information online, most participants do not have ready access to the internet or the site is not mobile formatted.
Imagine a major Lacrosse, ball hockey, volleyball tournament where you have 100 or more teams playing hundreds of games over a week or weekend. Do you make everyone walk back to Tourney HQ to read the leader board or wait in line to speak to one of your volunteers? The solution is text messaging!
ScoreBoardSMS Demo
ScoreBoardSMS Demo
We do offer TourneySMS, the premier solution for most tournaments, however ScoreBoardSMS is different. SportsSMS will design a platform specific to your Event enabling you to send text messages to just two or more contacts from every team. Then those contacts can share the information with the team. And you can make this service available to fans as well.
This same platform can include an information feed for volunteers, VIPs, sponsors and fans but our service allows you to control your costs to ensure you do not go over budget. Imagine you have 128 teams playing in 8, 16 team divisions in a round robin tournament. Using ScoreBoardSMS, you could send one text message to every Team Manager and Captain after a round of play. Including “finals” texts and sending texts to volunteers, you may have sent 3000 text messages during the weekend event. Including platform costs, your text messaging would cost about $500.00, or under $4.00 per team. If you want to expand the level of service to your participants, you can have more players register for the text messaging service, but once you include 10 or more, visit for our best tournament pricing.
If your budget allows for it, or if you have sponsors willing to sponsor every text message sent, you can make text message scores by division open to players’ families and fans too. Remember, we build your platform to suit your specific event and subscriber numbers and will advise you on how best to keep the price low but the service levels high!
We can also integrate with your own online scoreboard to send text messages automatically. This service can really be beneficial at the provincial or national finals level when families want immediate results but do not have internet access or a smart phone. Using our “FollowMe” service, fans can sign up to receive text message updates of their favourite team within seconds of the results being posted. Pricing of this service is dependent upon the number of texts required to be sent, but start at just $4.99 per 20 text event.
Text2Score is a new service available in the fall 2012 that enables your recreational sport to have all scores texted into our short code. We then take the score data and immediately upload it directly to an online scoreboard which is accessible for viewing from your website. Instead of writing all scores on paper and submitting to your HQ for entry that night or next day, we can do it all for you immediately.
We can then take those same scores and automatically text the information out to subscribers by division. No more work for your staff and instant results for your members.
We see the cost of Text2Score being paid for by the savings of not having someone enter in all the data into your own scoring database that night. You save time and money which pays for the immediate electronic scoring service.
This amazing new SportsSMS Text2Score service is developed for each client based upon their specific operational structure. Please ask us for a quote, and in most cases the cost of the service will be paid for by savings. But remember, if you also use our ScoreBoard service for your members, you might also have league sponsors willing to pay to have their brand or message sent at the end of every text message sent. Click here to get started.
SportsSMS is the Sports Text Messaging division of
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