Sports Text Messaging
know b4 u go™
Event SMS
EventSMS enables Organizations to use our text messaging platform to communicate with their members and visitors at sports and charitable events, trade shows and conferences to help move large groups to the proper location or venue at the right time.
This service can also be used for Dragon Boat Festivals, Snow Boarding Championships, Martial Arts competitions, Regattas or any sports event where staging occurs over a long period of time or over a large area. And remember, your members don’t need internet access, wifi or smart phones, any cell phone or mobile device in Canada can receive text messages.
Event SMS Demo
Conference Text Messaging
For about $1.00 per cell phone number per event, we will create your own personalized platform that will enable you to text message all your teams, participants, attendees, volunteers and VIPs. Include the cost in your registration fee and we do the rest.
We know how hard it can be to keep shows and conferences on schedule, especially when there is so much to see and do and old friends to get reacquainted with! But with EventSMS, your registrants subscribe for your Event text message reminders so they don’t miss a session, show up late for your keynote speaker, that special seminar, an Awards Banquet, or even a shuttle bus. Avoid people milling about when they should be in session and gently remind your VIPs of timing and photo ops.
For an event or conference, attendees can register for an information feed through your own registration process or via a link to a subscription page that we create and maintain for the event. The first text message can be to welcome attendees and then follow up with a session start time reminder, “thanks” to the luncheon sponsor or an invitation to a special event or to hear a guest speaker. Text messaging can be used to thank everyone for coming and remind them to complete their surveys; we can even provide a website link to complete those surveys online.
If your Organization is conducting a run or walkathon event, you can use text messaging to provide timely information to the cell phone and onto the person before, during and after the event. Before: to remind participants of timing, location, things to bring; during: to get participants moving at the right time, in the right direction, where to go, what do to when they’re done; and after the event with thank you’s or to drive supporters to a website for ongoing dialogue and donor development.
Please ask us for a quote, but the cost of the service is well worth it for the convenience and speed of information delivery. But remember, you might also have sponsors willing to pay to have their brand or message sent at the end of every text message sent. Click here to get started.
SportsSMS is the Sports Text Messaging division of
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