...introducing the NO selling, fundraising, Sports Club Membership Card
Click here to see the Card and details in a high resolution pdf.
While our text messaging service pays for itself through sponsorship, sometimes an Organization needs additional funding for those “extras” that budgets don’t allow for. Now you can earn from $5.00 to $20.00 per player with NO selling and still provide great value to your membership and community.
The Sports Club Membership Card is a value packed coupon card that is personalized to your organization. Look at the sample to see the Club’s name, logo and pictures on the front cover, a personalized letter on the inside, Sponsorship recognition and over $400 in redeemable value in the local community.
Special promotional offers include FREE pizza slices, FREE ice cream treats, a FREE round of golf and more, all with no purchase necessary! Plus there are many buy one get one free offers as well as dollars off deals that add up to over $400 in value! Real value, the kind parents will use and enjoy.
Parents understand that the Organization needs the extra funds, but no one has the time or desire to sell anything anymore. The solution, your prepaid Sports Club Membership Card! You order one Card per family or per player who will be registering next season. Decide on a retail value for your card, from $10.00 to $25.00 and add that amount to the registration fee. When your organization distributes the Cards, families can earn back their cost in freebies and probably earn back the entire cost of their registration fee in realistic savings.
Because every card ordered will be given to a Club member and is paid for in their registration fees, you can safely order the exact number of cards you require for your Organization.
Sample profit potential:
Your Organization keeps the different between your selling price and the cost of the card. We will obtain all the merchants and their special offers for you locally in your community. We will design your card and obtain all the imagery required, create sample cards for proper sign-off from merchants, sponsors and your Organization. Or, if you have the volunteers or staff, you can do it yourself and we can print the card for you using our unique tri-fold design. Either way, you can raise all the funds your Clubs needs without selling anything.
If your Organization needs the funds, but you don’t like to fundraise, this is the solution your membership will approve of and benefit from all season long.
For additional information or a quote, please click here to email us or call or text 905-716-6916
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. :
Is there a minimum order?
A. :
Yes, the minimum order is 1000 Cards if we do everything for you; or 500 Cards if all we do is print it.
Q. :
What does the card cost our organization?
A. :
The card cost will vary dependent upon your location and the quantity of cards ordered but pricing ranges from $3.50 to $8.00 per card.
Q. :
When do we pay?
A. :
You pay a deposit of 50% to get the card started and the balance is due on delivery.
Q. :
Can we choose the merchants that appear in the Card?
A. :
Yes. We encourage you to request specific merchants and we will attempt to involve them. If they say no, we will seek alternatives that meet with your approval.
Q. :
Can our Club Sponsors participate in the Card?
A. :
Yes. We suggest you start with your Sponsors first.
Q. :
How long does it take to produce the Card?
A. :
From the day we receive your deposit to delivery of the card may take as little as 8 weeks but more likely as long as 16 weeks.
Q. :
That seems like a long time, why so long?
A. :
Every merchant involved as well as your Executive has to approve content and proofs, edit revisions and “sign-off” at the end of the process. The perfect card takes time to produce, but remember, when you use this program, you decide in the fall for a spring delivery, or decide in the spring for a fall delivery, however your season works.
Q. :
Do you offer an online only version or a mobile app version of this Card?
A. :
No. Merchants prefer to see a printed coupon and need to know there is a fixed number of coupons in the community that might be redeemed. An online version can’t do that, nor can a mobile app.
For additional information or a quote, please click here to email us or call or text 905-716-6916
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